


Collaborative Management

We believe that effective fisheries management requires close cooperation and collaboration between all stakeholders. The KFO currently participates in the following national, European and international stakeholder groups and committees.

National Organisations:

Quota Management Advisory Committee (QMAC)

The QMAC is a formal consultative committee, involving fishing industry representatives from the catching and processing sectors, which exists at the discretion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). The QMAC meets monthly and makes recommendations to the Minister on setting quotas as well as management measures for particular stocks. Considering the advice of the QMAC, the Minister introduces statutory provisions, giving legal effect to the quotas for the different stocks.

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Irish Fisheries Science Research Partnership (IFSRP)

There is a long history of collaboration between scientists and fishermen in Ireland. In 2008, this relationship was formalised with the establishment of the IFSRP by the Minister. This group is made up of fishing industry representatives and scientists form both the Marine Institute and BIM. The group meets on a regular basis at which research projects, assessment results and research priorities are actively discussed.

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Celtic Sea Herring Management Advisory Committee (CSHMAC)

The CSHMAC is a Ministerially appointed Committee which was established in 2005. It is comprised of representatives from the fish Producer Organisations, the fish Co-Ops and processors and the primary purpose is to provide advice in relation to the management of the Celtic Sea Herring stock and fishery off the South Coast of Ireland.

North-West Herring Advisory Committee (NWHAC)

The NWHAC was established in 2023 by the Minister in 2023 in order to provide advice to the Minister for the management of the North-West herring (6.a.S, 7.b-c) quota and fishery. Similar to the CSHMAC, the committee is comprised of representatives from the fish Producer Organisations, the fish Co-Ops and processors. The KFO is the current chair and secretariat of the NWHAC.

Seafood/ORE Working Group

The Seafood/ORE Working Group was established by the Government in May 2022 to facilitate discussion on matters arising from the interaction of the seafood and offshore renewable energy industries. The Working Group comprises representatives of the Irish seafood organisations, including the KFO, as well as representatives from renewable

Marine Spatial Planning Advisory Group

The MSP Advisory Group is a cross sectoral Group established by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. The purpose of the Advisory Group is to harness the potential and capacity of a broad range of sectors including representation from the public sector, business, environmental, social and knowledge-based sectors to guide strategic thinking and decision-making in the preparation of marine spatial plans. The Advisory Group will also inform the work of the Inter Departmental MSP Group and provide updates, reports or recommendations as required.

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Brexit Stakeholder Forum

The Brexit Stakeholder Forum has met on a regular basis since 2017, bringing together key stakeholders and facilitating the sharing of insights to enable wider understanding of Ireland’s overall priorities. It also provides a platform for sectoral expertise to underpin the government’s comprehensive approach to Brexit. The KFO is represented by the CEO at this Forum.

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European Organisations:

Advisory Councils (ACs)

Advisory Councils are stakeholder-led organisations that provide the European Commission and member states with recommendations on fisheries management matters. This may include advice on conservation and socio-economic aspects of management, as well as simplification of rules. ACs are composed of representatives from the fishing industry and from other interest groups such as environmental NGOs. The KFO is a member of four of the eleven ACs.

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Pelagic Advisory Council (PelAC)

The Pelagic Advisory Council (PelAC) is a stakeholder-driven body that provides advice on the management of pelagic fisheries within the European Union. Comprising industry representatives, scientists, and environmental NGOs, PelAC works collaboratively to ensure sustainable fishing practices. Its focus includes key pelagic species such as mackerel, herring, and horse mackerel, promoting balanced solutions for ecological, economic, and social sustainability.

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North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC)

The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) is a stakeholder platform dedicated to advising on the sustainable management of fisheries in the North Western Waters region, covering areas around Ireland, the UK, and parts of France and Spain. Comprising representatives from industry, environmental groups, and other stakeholders, NWWAC focuses on collaborative approaches to ensure ecological and economic balance in fisheries.

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Market Advisory Council (MAC)

The Market Advisory Council (MAC) provides recommendations and insights to the European Commission on market-related issues in the seafood sector. It focuses on topics such as market trends, trade, consumer information, and supply chain sustainability. Bringing together stakeholders from the industry, non-governmental organizations, and others, the MAC aims to enhance transparency, competitiveness, and sustainability in the European seafood market.

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Long Distance Fleet Advisory Council (LDAC)

The Long Distance Fleet Advisory Council (LDAC) represents stakeholders involved in the European Union’s long-distance fishing operations. It focuses on sustainable management of fish stocks outside EU waters, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring compliance with environmental and social standards. By collaborating with industry, NGOs, and policymakers, the LDAC contributes to responsible fishing practices and equitable partnerships with third countries.

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European Association of Fish Producers Organisation

EAPO was founded in 1980 and represents 30 POs from 10 EU Member States, with approximately 3,700 vessels, 2 million tonnes of landings and € 2.1 billion first sale value. The organisation provides a common forum through which European POs can work together to address the challenges for European fisheries.

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European Bottom Fishers Alliance (EBFA)

The Long Distance Fleet Advisory Council (LDAC) represents stakeholders involved in the European Union’s long-distance fishing operations. It focuses on sustainable management of fish stocks outside EU waters, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring compliance with environmental and social standards. By collaborating with industry, NGOs, and policymakers, the LDAC contributes to responsible fishing practices and equitable partnerships with third countries.

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International Organisations:

International Coalition of Fisheries Associations (ICFA)

ICFA is a coalition of the national fish and seafood industry associations from the world’s major fishing nations. The group was formed in 1988 to provide decision makers a unified voice on global fish and seafood issues. ICFA members are committed to the sustainable use of marine resources for their contribution to global food security. ICFA members are also deeply committed to science based and fully participatory fishery conservation and management practices. There are currently 24 members across six continents and representing 29,000 sustainability.

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International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

ICES is the oldest intergovernmental organisation in the world concerned with marine and fisheries science. It was established in 1902 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES acts as a collaborative forum through which scientists from different countries can share data and undertake joint analyses in order to provide scientific advice to governments and international regulatory bodies that manage the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. The KFO contributes as a stakeholder to ICES where possible and the KFO Chief Scientist is a member of several stock assessment expert working groups.

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