Our Timeline
Our History
Killybegs Fishing Hub –
Killybegs is one of the largest and most active fishing ports in Ireland and the Killybegs Fishermen’s Association (KFA) is a representative group for the fishermen.
Foundation Milestone –
Joey Murrin is elected chairman of the Killybegs Fishermen’s Association and the association purchases Bruach na Mara in Killybegs as its headquarters. The building was originally a retirement home used by Bishop John Bernard MacGinley who donated it to the Medical Missionaries of Mary.
KFO Establishment –
A new representative organisation, the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation (KFO), is established by Joey Murrin and Killybegs Fishermen. Joey Murrin, Terri Tully and Michael Gallagher are the first KFO staff members.
Inaugural Board –
The first Board of Directors of the KFO is elected, including from left: Sonny Daly, Paddy Kerins, Joey Murrin, Hughie Moore, Noel McGing, Kevin McHugh, Mick Doyle, Joe Sheeran.
Pelagic Revolution –
The first Father McKee and Brendelen are launched for the Cavanagh and Gill families, representing a new era of pelagic fishing and steel hulled vessels. More new vessels are launched in the following years, including the Atlantic Challenge and Western Endeavour.
Enduring Leadership –
Ted Breslin joins the KFO and would go on to become the longest serving member of staff as Executive Assistant and Deputy CEO. Ted is pictured with Joey Murrin, Terri Tully and Michael Gallagher.
Scientific Contribution –
The KFO organises and undertakes an extension of the international mackerel egg survey on the Emer Marie to prove to ICES scientists that the assessment was underestimating spawning. This marked the start of the KFO’s contribution to scientific data collection.
Headquarters Ownership –
The ownership of Bruach na Mara is transferred to the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation.
Fleet Expansion –
There is further development of the fleet as a new generation of tank vessels are launched including the new Aine, Atlantic Challenge, Antarctic, Brendelen, Father McKee and Neptune.
Leadership Transition –
After 22 years of service, Joey Murrin retires as CEO of the KFO and Sean O’Donoghue joins the organisation as the new CEO.
New Vessels Launched –
The new Foyle Warrior and Northern Celt are delivered to the McClenaghan families in Greencastle. Watch the vessel launch.
Family Vessels Launched –
The new Heather Jane II and the Peader Elaine II are launched for the McBride family from Downings.
Headquarters Renovation –
The KFO Headquarters “Bruach na Mara” is renovated and refurbished.
Fleet Modernisation –
The fleet is updated as the new Áine, Brendelen, Father McKee, Marliona, Neptune, Olgarry, Pacelli and Sheanne are launched.
25th Anniversary –
The KFO celebrates its 25th Anniversary with a year-long programme of events.
New Appointment –
Norah Parke joins the KFO as crab-coordinator. Norah is pictured with Pat “the Cope” Gallagher at the launch of the ACRUNET project in 2012.
Boarfish Research Initiative –
The KFO initiates a research project on boarfish to ensure the new fishery is supported by science. The programme includes biological studies and three acoustic surveys (2011-2013) on the Felucca and Father McKee.
Herring Stock Research –
The KFO initiates a genetic stock identification research programme on the northwest herring to help improve the basis of the stock assessment.
New Fleet Additions –
The new Áine and Girl Stephanie join the Killybegs fleet. This is the fourth Áine owned by the Doherty family from Cruit Island and the fourth Girl Stephanie owned by the Conneely family from Galway.
Ted Breslin’s Retirement –
The KFO’S longest serving member of staff, Ted Breslin, Executive Assistant and Deputy CEO, retires after 38 years with the KFO.
New Vessels Arrive –
The new Antarctic arrives in Killybegs for the McHugh family and the new Green Isle is launched for the Cavanagh family from Greencastle.
Norah Parke –
Norah Parke, Project Coordinator, retires after 18 years with the KFO.
Sean O’Donoghue –
Sean O’Donoghue, CEO, retires after 23 years with the KFO.
Dominic Rihan –
Dominic Rihan commences his new role as CEO of the KFO.

CEO 1979-2000
Joey Murrin
Joey Murrin was born in Killybegs in February 1937 and his first foray into the world of fishing industry representation was in 1958 when he became Secretary of Killybegs Fishermen’s Association, subsequently taking the role of Chairman in 1973. This was followed by election to the Irish Fishermen’s Association the following year. In 1979, Joey established the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation, a producer body, which signified a new approach to the relationship of the Irish fishing industry with the European Union.
Joey also had a long and prominent association with BIM both as board member and Chairman and served on the board of the Marine Institute from 1998 to 2008. Throughout his 22 years as CEO there were highs and lows, but Joey guided the industry onwards until his retirement in 2000. Joey passed away in Killybegs on the 3 June 2018
CEO 2000-2023
Sean O’Donoghue
Sean O’Donoghue began his fisheries management career in 1981 when he joined the then Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry engineering division. Six years later he assumed responsibility for the new Department of the Marine’s management and control division before joining Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) in 1997 as Fisheries Development Manager. In 2000, he succeeded Joey Murrin as CEO of the KFO and was instrumental in modernising the KFO for the new millennium.
During his long career, Sean played a key role in important national and international fisheries issues, in particular in developing and gaining recognition for stakeholder input into the EU’s fisheries management process through the Advisory Councils. He was also chairman of the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations (EAPO) for seven years and a previous board member of BIM. Like Joey before him, Sean was always an advocate of fisheries science, the Marine Institute and need for close collaboration between industry and science.
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