pexels rodnae productions 6129242

ieCatch V3 Rollout & Training

Attention all KFO members.

The electronic Logbook software (ieCatch ) is being upgraded to a new version (V3). The new ieCatch V3 has been fully rebuilt in line with a new International UN Standard known as FLUX (Fisheries Language for Universal Exchange).

The ERS unit within the SFPA will commence the rollout of ieCatch V3 starting on Monday 12th September and are offering training sessions nationwide over an 8 week period which will result in the replacement of the Getac laptop on each vessel with all software fully upgraded. There are two parts to the Training session, one is the training of all existing users in the new version of the application and secondly the replacement of each vessels existing Getac laptop with an upgraded one, including all Windows 10 updates and the new ieCatch v3 application.

Please register as soon as possible for the training and upgrade via the links on the email sent out by the SFPA.

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