KFO.ie – Killybegs Fishermens Organisation

Killybegs Fishermen’s


ICES’ new VME advice indicates major changes in Irish waters but no retraction of error strewn advice

In 2022 the EU Commission published an Implementing Regulation (2022/1614) which closed 87 areas in EU waters to bottom fishing. The closures were based on advice issued by ICES in 2021 on “areas where Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) are known to occur or are likely to occur and on the existing deep-sea fishing areas”. The […]

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ICES issues stark scientific advice for mackerel

KFO urges the Minister and the Commission to call out the reprehensible practices of Nordic countries  The scientific advice for mackerel issued by ICES today confirms the fears of Irish pelagic fishermen. The 22% advised reduction in Total Allowable Catches (TAC) will result in a further significant cut in the Irish mackerel quota for 2025. […]

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Fishing Organisations Respond to BIM Report

Report points to “a worrying decline in the seafood industry” Today, the alliance of five Irish fishing producing and processing seafood organisations issued a response to the annual Business of Seafood Report recently published by BIM. In acknowledging BIM for compiling the synopsis on the performance of the seafood industry, the organisations pointed out that, […]

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Seafood Industry expresses concerns over the South coast DMAP proposal and highlights flaws in the process

Responding to the recent consultation on the draft South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy (SC-DMAP) issued by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, the Seafood Industry Representatives’ Forum (SIRF) has submitted a response to the consultation (link), expressing disappointment at the draft plan. The Seafood Industry Representatives Forum (SIRF) […]

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Five Fishing Organisations Unite for EU Change

Five Irish fish producing and processing seafood organisations have come together to demand change at national and EU level.  They have issued a joint statement following a full day’s collaboration in Dublin. ‘Our objective is to work together on raising awareness of critical challenges impacting the sector at both national and EU level’, they said […]

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Fishermen seek input to offshore wind projects

Seafood Industry gives guarded welcome to Future Framework Policy Statement for Offshore Renewable Energy Responding to the recent publication  of an updated Future Framework Policy Statement for Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), the Seafood Industry Representatives’ Forum (SIRF) today acknowledged the consultation process undertaken by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, and welcomed important […]

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KFO acknowledges need for improved management in inshore waters

In responding to the public consultation on a review of trawling activity inside the six nautical mile (nm) zone and baselines, the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation (KFO) acknowledged the need for improved management measures in inshore waters. However, it concluded that it cannot support any of the options presented in the consultation. The purpose of this […]

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KFO appeal the rejection of SAC objection and highlight lack of scientific evidence for North-west Irish Sea SPA

The long running issues concerning the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s (NPWS) unilateral approach to designating Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) came to light again recently with the rejection of the KFO’s objection to the proposed delineation of the Porcupine Shelf and Southern Canyons SACs. The KFO has been informed […]

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